Articles By Juan Pedro Tomas
Pressure is mounting to turn cash-strapped oilseed crusher Vicentin into a non-state public company, with a group of...
Improved production outlooks and lower domestic demand from the animal feed sector are likely to see Mexico’s corn imports...
Argentina’s farming lobby groups have condemned an arson attack that partially burnt down a farm owned by the vice president of rural association CRA....
Argentine farmer association CRA expressed its concern over a recent wave of vandalism on silo bags in the country.
Argentine farmers are expected to plant 7 million ha with wheat in the 2020/21 crop cycle, up 1.4%...
Paraguay's soybean crushing rates fell 15.6% between January and April versus the same period of 2019 as harvest delays and...
The decision by the Argentine government to restrict access to cheap bank loans to agricultural entities...
Nearly 150 Paraguayan barges loaded with 220,000 mt of soybeans trapped by low water levels on the key Parana river...
Current low water levels on the Parana River are likely to remain during the rest of the year, Juan Borus...
Paraguay’s 2019/20 crop is expected to reach a production of 3.5-4 million mt, down from 5.02 million...
The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange has revised upwards its expectation for this year's wheat crop...
Exporters have been paying 10% higher premiums on average in April for corn delivered at Argentina’s...
Brazil is expected to import nearly 7 million mt of wheat this year, which would represent an increase of...
Argentine soybean producers are buying more silo bags compared to the previous crop to stockpile...
Soybean crushing rates in Paraguay fell 17.7% between January and March versus the same period of...
Argentine farmers are expected to plant a total of 6.7 million hectares with wheat in the 2020/21 crop...
Argentina will export 7 million mt of soybean in the 2019/20 cycle, down from the February estimate...
Paraguayan exporters are struggling to ship its soybean due to adverse navigation conditions at both...
A judge in Argentina’s Santa Fe province authorized cash-strapped oilseed crusher Vicentin to resume...
Paraguay exported 1.76 million mt of soybeans in the first quarter of the year, down 12.2%...