Articles By Juan Pedro Tomas

15 Oct 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Mexico’s Supreme Court unanimously denied four appeals filed against the judicial decision to ban the sowing of genetically...
13 Oct 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Paraguay exported a total of 5.57 million mt of soybeans in the first nine months of 2021, down 3% compared with the 5.74...
11 Oct 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
A group of international banks with credits to cash-strapped Argentine crusher Vicentin have urged the company to sign toll...
8 Oct 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Argentina’s crushing industry utilisation rate could fall as low as 56% by the end of the 2021/22 production cycle, down from...
7 Oct 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Paraguayan barges transporting soybean along the Parana and Paraguay rivers are now carrying just half their normal capacity...
6 Oct 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Mexican corn imports are expected to rise to a total of 17.9 million mt in 2021, a slim 100,000 mt increase but a new...
1 Oct 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
An increase in maritime freight tariffs, primarily caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, is expected to generate extra costs of up to...
1 Oct 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Mexico imported a total of 11.86 million mt of corn in the first eight months of the year, according to the latest report from...
27 Sep 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Paraguay's crush industry processed 1.83 million mt of soybeans in the January-August period, down 24.7% compared with the...
24 Sep 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Argentina could potentially produce 70 million mt of soybeans within a decade if the government implements the right...
23 Sep 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Mexico imported 3.73 million mt of wheat in the first eight months of the year, an increase of 25.4% versus the 2.97 million mt...
The current political and economic situation affecting the Argentine government following the recent defeat of the ruling...
21 Sep 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
The government of Argentina sent its draft budget bill for 2022 to Congress last week, including an article to extend government...
16 Sep 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Nearly one million tonnes of Paraguayan soybeans remain trapped and are still waiting to be shipped via river during September...
15 Sep 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
The decision by the Indian government to temporarily allow imports of GM soymeal could generate business opportunities...
14 Sep 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Paraguay exported a total of 5.07 million mt of soybeans in the first eight months of 2021, down 2.6% compared with the 5.21...
13 Sep 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Representatives of Mexico's government have confirmed they are still working to reduce corn imports by up to 50% by 2024, but...
10 Sep 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Argentina’s crushing industry utilisation rate reached 70% at the end July, down 4 percentage points compared to the previous...
7 Sep 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Argentina’s wheat shipments reached 8.71 million mt in the first nine months of the 2020/21 campaign, down 22.7% compared...
7 Sep 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Paraguay is expected to produce nearly 10 million mt of soybean in the 2021/22 crop cycle, with a planted area of 3.7 million ha...
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