Articles By Juan Pedro Tomas
Salary talks between Argentine crushers and grain exporters and representatives of construction workers union UOCRA have...
Argentina’s port workers union FEPA has lifted an ongoing 48-hour industrial action on the part of stevedores that was...
A stranded LNG carrier was obstructing navigation at Argentina’s key Parana waterway on Friday, Guillermo Wade, general...
Bulk carriers operating in Argentina’s Rosario export hub face the likelihood of loading 40% less grain by the end of September or...
Representatives of cash-strapped Argentine crusher Vicentin will make a payment offer to its creditors in the coming weeks, a...
Soybean crushing in Argentina reached a total of 22.06 million mt in the first half of the year, marking the highest volume since...
Paraguay's crush industry processed 1.39 million mt of soybeans in the January-June period, down 21.8% compared with the...
Farmers in Argentina’s core productive zone are expected to plant 4.57 million ha in the 2021/22 cycle, down 5% compared to...
Mexico imported 9 million mt of corn in the first half of the year, up 16.4% from the 7.72 million mt imported in the same period...
Argentine farmers are expected to plant a total of 1.8 million ha of sunflower in the 2021/22 crop cycle, up 38.5% compared to...
Argentina's 2021/22 barley production could potentially rise to almost 5 million mt, up from a previous estimate of 4.4...
Groups representing truck drivers in Paraguay have raised the spectre of strike action at a national level as they demand...
Argentina’s wheat production in the 2021/22 crop cycle could reach 20.5 million mt, according to the latest update from the...
The Paraguayan government has passed a law declaring a state of emergency for navigation of the Paraguay, Parana and Apa...
Wheat shipments from grain ports in Argentina’s Rosario hub have experienced a major decline so far this commercial cycle on...
Paraguay exported a total of 3.73 million mt of soybeans in the first half of 2021, down 5.8% compared with the 3.96 million...
Argentina’s crushing industry utilisation rate reached 77% at the end of May, up 5 percentage points compared to the previous...
Uruguay exported 1.14 million mt of soybean in the first half of 2021, down 7% versus the 1.23 million mt exported in the...
Low water levels on the Parana River could generate losses of $315 million for the Argentine agroindustrial sector between...
Mexico will not reach self-sufficiency in its corn production by 2024 and will still have to import nearly 6 million mt of yellow...