Articles By Juan Pedro Tomas

14 Jun 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Mexican consultancy firm Grupo Consultor de Mercados Agricolas (GCMA) has raised its outlook for the country’s 2021 wheat...
11 Jun 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Argentina’s crushing industry utilisation rate reached 72% at the end of April, up 10 percentage points compared to the previous...
10 Jun 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Paraguay exported a total of 2.97 million mt of soybeans in the first five months of 2021, down 7.3% compared with...
9 Jun 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Argentina’s 2020/21 sorghum production is expected to increase 73% compared to the previous crop chiefly due to an expansion...
8 Jun 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
A strike by Argentine custom officials is expected to paralyse grain shipments at the country’s main grain ports on Tuesday as...
8 Jun 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Argentina’s government is considering authorising the country’s general port administration (AGP) to launch a tender to select a...
7 Jun 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Some 82.5% of Argentine rural producers considered that the national government was likely to increase export...
4 Jun 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Mexico's corn imports are expected to rise in 2021, according to a new forecast from a local consultancy group, as increasing...
2 Jun 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Argentina’s decision to halt beef exports to lower domestic inflation could lead to increased output of exportable crops...
1 Jun 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Argentina’s farmers could plant 1.15-1.3 million ha with barley in the 2021/22 marketing year as producers look to attractive...
31 May 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Argentina’s main rural lobbies have decided to extend a protest against the government’s decision to halt beef exports until...
27 May 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
A total of 12 maritime and logistics trade unions across Argentina have lifted a strike action in the country’s ports after...
26 May 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
A total of 11 maritime and logistics trade unions across Argentina have launched a fresh 48-hour strike, demanding access to...
25 May 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Up to 64 barges stranded by low water levels in the Parana river are hoping to exploit a brief window to move 125,000 mt of...
24 May 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
A merger between two Argentina-based seed makers that was concluded three years ago has been deemed a potential...
24 May 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Argentina’s Naval Prefecture has started to issue the first permits allowing seven stranded bulk carriers to depart from grain ports...
21 May 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Farmers in Argentina have threatened to target grain sales in an escalating dispute with the country’s government over the...
21 May 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Seven bulk carriers loading at Argentine grain ports have become stranded in the Up River hub after strike action and falling water...
20 May 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
Grain and oilseed exporters out of Argentina could face additional disruption as more trade unions join an existing 48-hour...
19 May 2021 | Juan Pedro Tomas
A total of 11 marine- and logistics-based trade unions across Argentina have launched a 48-hour strike to demand Covid-19...
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