Articles By Marcela Caetano
Argentina's soybean output estimates could be reduced once again if the yields continue to land below projections, the Buenos Aires Grains Exchange's (Bage) weekly...
Brazil is expected to export 94 million mt of soybeans in 2023, marking a reduction of 1 million...
US soybean weekly export sales landed within market expectations in the week ending...
Brazil’s domestic corn prices have collapsed, along with basis premiums, to the point they are near the minimum price established by the government...
Wheat planting is picking up in Brazil’s Paraná and reached 10% of the 1.6 million ha projected area, while soybean and first corn crop harvest are closer to the end...
Brazil’s grain exporters' association Anec has cut its estimates for the country’s April soybean exports to 14.7 million mt from the previous 15.1 million mt,...
Brazil's soybean harvest reached 89% of the 43.5 million hectares (ha) planted area, a 4 percentage point advance in the week ending April 22...
Brazil’s soybean exports advanced 2.5 million mt to 10.5 million mt in the third week of April, while corn shipments totaled 419,479 mt, up 68,407 mt from the prior week...
Argentina´s freight workers union (Siunfletra) interrupted traffic access to the main ports of the country to protest for better work conditions...
Argentina imported 1.3 million mt of soybeans in March, up from 386,685 mt in the same month last year and the highest for a single month since...
In its first estimates for Argentina’s 2022/23 crop output, the country’s agriculture, livestock, and fishing ministry MAGyP pegged soybean harvest at 27.7 million mt and corn production at 43 million mt....
Argentina’s soybean crush reached 2.1 million mt in March, 823,522 mt lower than the 2.9 million mt from the same month last year...
US soybean weekly export sales landed well below market expectations in the week to April 13, at 100,100 mt for 2022/2023 ...
Argentina’s imports of Brazilian soybeans could surpass 700,000 mt by late April, putting the figure just above the full-year…
The soybean harvest in Brazil’s Paraná advanced 3 percentage points in the week ending April 17, to 97% of the 5.7 million ha projected area
Argentinian farmers sold or priced 776,839 mt of soybeans in the first week of the agri dollar, the new preferential exchange rate scheme implemented by the Argentinean government on April 10...
Export license applications in the first week of the new soybean preferential exchange rate scheme implemented by Argentina's government totaled 498,921 mt...
Brazil’s Mato Grosso soybean exports totaled 7.5 million mt in the first quarter of 2023...
Brazil’s soybean exports reached 7.5 million mt in the second week of April, a 3.8 million mt advance on the week, while corn shipments totaled 351,072 mt...
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has slashed Argentina’s 2022/23 soybean crop estimates by...