Articles By Masha Belikova
The Turkish governmental statistics agency has published its final estimates for grain and oilseeds production in 2023/24, with a significant increase seen for grains but a big drop in oilseeds production...
The Russian government has further raised wheat and corn export taxes for the January 11-16 period, according to the update from the agriculture ministry on Friday...
Egypt’s state grain buyer has passed on the offers eceived for its March shipment milling wheat tender, even though the prices...
Egypt’s state grain importer has returned to the market looking for optional origin milling wheat for March shipment, trade…
Over three months have passed since the combined Ukrainian military forces announced the establishment of a humanitarian...
Wheat production forecasts for the main Australian wheat exporting state were reduced 6% but quality levels were raised...
Russia's wheat export tax was cut, while the corn tariff was pushed higher as the country updated its tax rates for a long...
The Russian wheat harvest in 2024 could be as big as this year's, meaning a third bumper harvest in a row after a favorable autumn planting season...
Australian traders are said to have already booked up to 70% of the total potential barley exports in just the first few months of...
South Korea's Feed Leaders Committee (FLC) bought optional origin corn for April arrival in its tender closed Wednesday...
A South Korean private importer has issued a fresh tender looking for late April arrival optional origin corn...
Thailand’s private grain importer has returned to the market looking for optional origin feed wheat for February-April shipment dates...
Bangladesh's state importer has received four offers in its sixth wheat tender, with the lowest made by Agrocorp...
Egypt’s state grain importer has returned to the market looking for a February shipment of wheat in a tender closing on Tuesday...
The Philippines government has extended the preferential corn import tax for another year in a continuous fight against food inflation in the country...
Saudi Arabia's state grain importer has issued a fresh tender looking for 715,000 mt of optional origin milling wheat with a 12.5%...
Algeria’s state grain importer has bought up to 930,000 mt of optional origin milling wheat in a tender closed Tuesday paying around $273/mt CFR...
Algeria’s state grain importer has issued a fresh tender looking for up to 200,000 mt of corn and 70,000 mt of soybean meal...
The Indian government has again reduced the volume of wheat stocks that private traders can hold, according to an official...
Several Ukrainian-based companies, as well as some international presence traders, are considering the possibility of further quitting out the origination...