Articles By Min Jie Yaw
Freight rates for vessels carrying palm oil to India and China from Southeast Asia stayed firm on buoyant interest in tonnage...
Sentiment for freight rates for vessels carrying palm oil to India and China from Southeast Asia stayed positive this week as tonnage spaces remain limited.
Freight rates for vessels carrying palm oil to India and China from Southeast Asia climbed further this week on limited tonnage...
Indonesia, the world’s biggest exporter of crude palm oil (CPO) has set the CPO reference price for the period June 1-15 at $811.68/mt, according to local news reports...
Palm oil freight rates in Asia were steady-to-firm this week, with freight rates to Indonesia firmer on limited tonnage spaces for the second quarter.
Indonesia plans to launch crude palm oil trade (CPO) on a local futures exchange are expected to come into fruition by the end of the year...
Palm oil freight rates in Asia were steady on quiet discussions, amid unchanged supply/demand fundamentals.
Indonesia has officially lowered its crude palm oil (CPO) reference price for the May 16-30 period to $893.23/mt in a government...
Palm oil freight rates to India held steady on healthy enquiries, with on more Indonesian supply emerging in May.
Palm oil freight rates to India have risen slightly this week, reflecting an increase in the number of enquiries in the market.
Palm oil export estimates for the world’s second-largest exporter, Malaysia, are expected to be lower on...
Crude palm oil (CPO) futures on the Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Exchange (BMD) dived to a six-month low on Thursday following Indonesia’s revision of its palm oil export policy...
Discussions in the palm oil freight market - particularly on long-haul routes - have been quiet in terms of...
Palm oil freight rates in Asia have continued to dip this week on ample tonnage availability, with charterers having their pick of...
Palm oil export estimates for the world’s second largest exporter, Malaysia are expected to be lower on the month for the period of April 1-15 on poor demand...
Palm oil buying sentiment is poised to remain soft in the near term on elevated stock levels and tepid demand...
Freight sentiment for the Asian palm oil market is bearish due to ample tonnage as well as overall soft palm oil demand, market participants told Agricensus.
Malaysia has maintained its April export tax for crude palm oil at the maximum level of 8% and raised the reference price, the...
Palm oil values have slumped to their lowest level in six months, following wider falls on the vegetable oil complex despite palm...
Indonesia’s palm oil production for 2023/2024 is expect to rise 3% to 46 million mt from a year ago, according to a reported...