Articles By Tom Houghton

23 Oct 2020 | Tom Houghton
Egypt’s state grain importer booked three cargoes of Russian milling wheat at a tender on Friday, paying $22/mt more...
23 Oct 2020 | Tom Houghton
Egypt’s state grain importer issued a tender Thursday night for milling wheat as futures took a brief pause from a recent...
22 Oct 2020 | Tom Houghton
Japan’s agriculture ministry bought 80,562 mt of milling wheat from Canada and the US for November-January...
22 Oct 2020 | Tom Houghton
Further confirmation of an expected rebound in Australian agriculture output continued to emerge, with...
20 Oct 2020 | Tom Houghton
The US corn and soybean harvests again raced ahead during a dry week with the lack of rainfall helping farmers with...
20 Oct 2020 | Tom Houghton
Japan’s agriculture ministry announced a tender to buy 80,562 mt of milling wheat from Canada and the US for November...
9 Oct 2020 | Tom Houghton
Wheat prices seesawed in the aftermath of the USDA’s monthly Wasde report Friday as a headline increase to global...
8 Oct 2020 | Tom Houghton
Japan’s agriculture ministry bought 118,428 mt of milling wheat from Australia, Canada, and the US for November...
8 Oct 2020 | Tom Houghton
Argentina has become the first country to approve commercial cultivation of a genetically modified strain of wheat that...
7 Oct 2020 | Tom Houghton
Global wheat production and carryover are set to edge lower in this week's Wasde report, analysts have told Agricensus...
6 Oct 2020 | Tom Houghton
Chicago wheat futures rallied to their highest level in five years Tuesday as a cocktail of dry weather in key growing...
6 Oct 2020 | Tom Houghton
Japan’s agriculture ministry announced a tender to buy 118,428 mt of milling wheat from Australia, Canada, and the...
6 Oct 2020 | Tom Houghton
US farmers benefited from dry weather over the course of the week as corn harvest progress jumped 10 percentage...
2 Oct 2020 | Tom Houghton
The US’ spring wheat harvest wrapped up earlier this week, with conditions largely remaining unchanged over the course...
1 Oct 2020 | Tom Houghton
High wheat carryover stocks and a better-than-expected local crop in Algeria may combine to cap the North African...
30 Sep 2020 | Tom Houghton
US HRW futures burst 35 cents higher Wednesday as the USDA said total wheat output would drop 5% year-on-year...
29 Sep 2020 | Tom Houghton
The US’ 2020 corn and soybean harvests made solid progress in a dry week, with the overall crop condition broadly stable...
24 Sep 2020 | Tom Houghton
Japan’s agriculture ministry bought 86,027 mt of winter and spring wheat from Canada, and the US for October 21...
23 Sep 2020 | Tom Houghton
A risk-on shift in the commodities market last week helped speculators’ positions on the Euronext milling wheat...
Algeria’s state grain importer has bought at least two German feed barley cargoes at a tender that closed Tuesday...
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