Articles By Tom Houghton
Egypt’s state grain importer booked three cargoes of Russian milling wheat at a tender on Friday, paying $22/mt more...
Egypt’s state grain importer issued a tender Thursday night for milling wheat as futures took a brief pause from a recent...
Japan’s agriculture ministry bought 80,562 mt of milling wheat from Canada and the US for November-January...
Further confirmation of an expected rebound in Australian agriculture output continued to emerge, with...
The US corn and soybean harvests again raced ahead during a dry week with the lack of rainfall helping farmers with...
Japan’s agriculture ministry announced a tender to buy 80,562 mt of milling wheat from Canada and the US for November...
Wheat prices seesawed in the aftermath of the USDA’s monthly Wasde report Friday as a headline increase to global...
Japan’s agriculture ministry bought 118,428 mt of milling wheat from Australia, Canada, and the US for November...
Argentina has become the first country to approve commercial cultivation of a genetically modified strain of wheat that...
Global wheat production and carryover are set to edge lower in this week's Wasde report, analysts have told Agricensus...
Chicago wheat futures rallied to their highest level in five years Tuesday as a cocktail of dry weather in key growing...
Japan’s agriculture ministry announced a tender to buy 118,428 mt of milling wheat from Australia, Canada, and the...
US farmers benefited from dry weather over the course of the week as corn harvest progress jumped 10 percentage...
The US’ spring wheat harvest wrapped up earlier this week, with conditions largely remaining unchanged over the course...
High wheat carryover stocks and a better-than-expected local crop in Algeria may combine to cap the North African...
US HRW futures burst 35 cents higher Wednesday as the USDA said total wheat output would drop 5% year-on-year...
The US’ 2020 corn and soybean harvests made solid progress in a dry week, with the overall crop condition broadly stable...
Japan’s agriculture ministry bought 86,027 mt of winter and spring wheat from Canada, and the US for October 21...
A risk-on shift in the commodities market last week helped speculators’ positions on the Euronext milling wheat...
Algeria’s state grain importer has bought at least two German feed barley cargoes at a tender that closed Tuesday...