Articles By Tom Houghton

4 Sep 2020 | Tom Houghton
Wheat exporters in Ukraine continued to load cargoes at a blistering pace last week, with exports continuing to run...
3 Sep 2020 | Tom Houghton
French wheat exports came to 76,603 mt in the week to September 2, including a rare cargo of wheat listed as...
3 Sep 2020 | Tom Houghton
Algeria’s state grain importer has booked around 120,000 mt of feed barley via a tender that closed Wednesday, having...
3 Sep 2020 | Tom Houghton
Japan’s agriculture ministry bought 106,937 mt of winter and spring wheat from Australia, Canada, and the US for...
3 Sep 2020 | Tom Houghton
Egypt’s state importer issued a tender on Wednesday to buy wheat for delivery from November 5-15, looking to...
2 Sep 2020 | Tom Houghton
Net speculative positions on the Euronext milling wheat futures contract traded back into a slim net long in the week to...
1 Sep 2020 | Tom Houghton
US corn and soybean conditions were rated lower over the course of the week as the effects of a Midwest drought continued...
31 Aug 2020 | Tom Houghton
US weekly soybean export inspections dipped over the course of the week and scraped in at the lower end of analyst...
31 Aug 2020 | Tom Houghton
EU wheat exports continue to run well behind last year after a slow start to the 2020/21 campaign, with volumes from...
31 Aug 2020 | Tom Houghton
Algeria’s state grain importer has tendered for a total of 50,000 mt of optional origin feed barley to be shipped in...
31 Aug 2020 | Tom Houghton
Japan’s agriculture ministry asked traders to offer a total of 106,937 mt of winter and spring wheat from Australia...
31 Aug 2020 | Tom Houghton
South Korean animal feed manufacturer Major Feedmill Group (MFG) has tendered to import a 70,000 mt of cargo of...
28 Aug 2020 | Tom Houghton
The final stages of the US HRW harvest showed a small increase in quality over the week, while the final assays of the SRW crop...
28 Aug 2020 | Tom Houghton
The conditions of French corn were steady over the week, with 62% of the crop still rated as being either good or excellent...
27 Aug 2020 | Tom Houghton
A consortium of flour millers in Taiwan bought around 100,000 mt of US milling wheat for October-November shipment, securing...
27 Aug 2020 | Tom Houghton
US agriculture exports will hit $140.5 billion in the 2021 fiscal year thanks to booming corn and soybean demand from...
27 Aug 2020 | Tom Houghton
Japan’s agriculture ministry bought 100,952 mt of winter and spring wheat from Canada and the US for October shipment in...
26 Aug 2020 | Tom Houghton
Saudi Arabia’s state-owned shipping line and the agriculture investment arm of its sovereign wealth fund have teamed...
25 Aug 2020 | Tom Houghton
Egypt’s state grain importer booked a total 530,000 mt of Russian origin milling wheat at a tender that closed Tuesday...
25 Aug 2020 | Tom Houghton
A consortium of flour millers in Taiwan has issued a tender to buy around 101,000 mt of US milling wheat for shipment in...
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