Articles By Veronika Prykhodko
Japan's agriculture ministry has issued its weekly wheat and barley tender seeking 80,000 mt of wheat and 100,000 mt of...
Turkey's state-backed grain buyer has issued a fresh tender seeking 310,000 mt of feed barley, according to an official note...
Tunisia's state grain importer has issued a fresh international tender to buy 125,000 mt of milling wheat and 100,000 mt of...
The Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) has preliminary booked 550,000 mt of milling wheat for January-February shipment in a...
South Africa’s Crop Estimates Committee (CEC) issued its eighth monthly production estimate for the country’s summer crops...
Algeria's state grain importer has closed a tender announced earlier this week and is believed to have secured a total of...
Japan's agriculture ministry has reported booking a total of 231,838 mt of US, Canadian and Australian wheat in September...
Taiwan’s feed-making association MFIG has closed a corn tender announced late last week and bought 65,000 mt of Brazil corn...
Russian grain exports continued at a high pace in the week ending September 23, with wheat as usual leading the way,...
The Ethiopian government, supported by an agency of the United Nations, has issued a fresh tender to secure around 200,000 mt...
Following the spate of Asian corn buying, Taiwan’s feed-making association MFIG has also announced a tender looking to buy...
Japan's agriculture ministry has closed a tender buying a total of 113,067 mt of US and Canadian milling wheat, according to the...
South Korean feed making group Korea Feed Association (KFA) passed on a tender to buy 140,000 mt of corn announced...
South Korean feed making group Korea Feed Association (KFA) returned to the market with a fresh tender seeking up to...
Weekly US net sales in the week ending September 17 totalled 373,000 mt, the USDA said in its update Thursday...
Taiwan’s Flour Milling Association (FMA) was reported buying 49,580 mt of US origin milling wheat in a tender that closed...
A grain buyer from the Philippines is thought to have closed a wheat tender announced yesterday, locking up a total of...
Turkey's state grain buyer has closed a tender and is believed to have bought 260,000 mt of feed barley, paying an average of...
Algeria’s state grain importer has entered the market again to secure a durum wheat cargo this time, trade sources told...
Russian grain exports continued in full swing in the week ending September 16, with 11.7 million mt of grains exported, data...