Articles By Victor Gusmao

17 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
Wheat in Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul state was in the germination-to-vegetative development stage on 84% of the planted area in...
17 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
Argentina’s Secretariate of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries (SAGyP) has left its corn and soybean production estimates...
17 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
US soybean weekly export sales for the 2023/24 marketing year increased to 1.4 million mt in the week ending August 10, up...
16 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
Argentine farmer sales of soybeans and wheat were mixed in the week ending August 9, while corn decreased on a lower...
15 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
Petrobras announced an increase in Brazil’s fuel prices to be effective on Wednesday after raising concerns about a fuel...
15 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
The second corn harvest (safrinha) in Brazil’s Paraná state was 34% complete on the 2.4 million ha projected area, a 6% gain in the week ended August 14...
15 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
US monthly soybean crushing levels for July came in at 173.3 million bushels, landing above market expectations...
15 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
Brazil’s second corn crop safrinha harvest - the safrinha - advanced 8.1 percentage points in the week ending August 14...
14 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
Brazilian soybean exports totaled 3.7 million mt in the first two weeks of August, while corn export gained steam...
14 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
Export inspections of US soybeans were up 5% to 297,797 mt in the week ending August 10, from the 284,377 mt recorded a...
13 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
Brazilian fuel importers are struggling to compete with Petrobras' new price policy and there are rising concerns over a fuel...
11 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
The US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) August update to its World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (Wasde)...
10 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
Wheat sowing in Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul state is officially finished with 91% of the total area in the germination-to-vegetative...
9 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
Argentine farmer sales of soybeans were mixed and wheat was down in the week ending August 2, while corn maintained high sales numbers on the back of the preferential...
9 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
Market participants expect the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) will reveal another round of cuts in its US soybean...
8 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
The second corn harvest in Brazil’s Paraná state was 28% complete on the 2.4 million ha projected area, an 11% gain...
8 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
Brazil’s second corn safrinha harvest advanced 7.3 percentage points in the week ending August 7 to 64.3%...
7 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
Export inspections of US soybeans were down 16% to 281,857 mt in the week ending August 3, from the 334,121 mt recorded a week earlier...
4 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
Brazilian farmers are gradually shifting their attention from soybean to the bumper second corn crop sales as the delayed...
3 Aug 2023 | Victor Gusmao
Wheat sowing in Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul state advanced two percentage points and is virtually finished at 99% completion...
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