Articles By Yuriy Sirosh

The Ukrainian government has made changes to its tax policies in order to ensure revenues raised from agricultural exports...
7 Feb 2023 | Yuriy Sirosh
Japan's agriculture ministry has issued an international tender looking to buy a total of 83,072 mt of US, Canadian and...
6 Feb 2023 | Yuriy Sirosh
Algeria's state grain importer has issued an international tender to buy a total of 100,000 mt of milling wheat for...
The weather conditions for the winter crops in both Ukraine and Russia are looking mostly favorable, but potential risks are to be monitored...
1 Feb 2023 | Yuriy Sirosh
Jordan’s state grain importer has booked 50,000 mt of feed barley for shipment in the second half of June, trade sources have told...
An increase in the waiting time for ships using the Black Sea grain export corridor and the looming end of the deal in mid-March...
31 Jan 2023 | Yuriy Sirosh
Jordan’s state grain importer has booked 60,000 mt of milling wheat for shipment in the second half of June in its latest tender...
30 Jan 2023 | Yuriy Sirosh
Algeria's state grain importer has issued an international tender looking to buy 50,000 mt of durum wheat for February-March...
27 Jan 2023 | Yuriy Sirosh
Ukraine's grain export pace remained stable during the week ending January 27, but still came in at less than 1 million mt as delays in vessel inspections ...
25 Jan 2023 | Yuriy Sirosh
Iraq’s state grain importer is back in the market looking for 50,000 mt of milling wheat...
24 Jan 2023 | Yuriy Sirosh
European Union (EU) weekly wheat exports amounted to 242,392 mt, or 76.8% higher week-on-week, while the previous total...
17 Jan 2023 | Yuriy Sirosh
European Union (EU) weekly wheat exports amounted to 137,081 mt, or 116% higher week-on-week...
17 Jan 2023 | Yuriy Sirosh
Japan's agriculture ministry has issued an international tender to buy a total of 77,763 mt of US and Canadian wheat for loading...
13 Jan 2023 | Yuriy Sirosh
Ukraine declared 769,170 mt of grains for export in the week ending January 12, with China remaining the leading...
13 Jan 2023 | Yuriy Sirosh
Canada's grain and oilseeds export pace fell by 28% but still stands slightly above 1 million mt in the week ending January 8...
12 Jan 2023 | Yuriy Sirosh
The Turkish Grain Board (TMO) has booked 565,000 mt of milling wheat 12% protein content for two shipment periods between...
10 Jan 2023 | Yuriy Sirosh
Japan's agriculture ministry has issued an international tender looking to buy a total of 89,735 mt of US and Canadian wheat...
6 Jan 2023 | Yuriy Sirosh
Ukraine declared 685,369 mt of grains for export in the first week of January 2023, and lion's share of that was corn while China...
Ukraine farmers and large agricultural producers face uncertainty in the upcoming spring sowing campaign due to the...
28 Dec 2022 | Yuriy Sirosh
Russian farmers had harvested 14.7 million mt of corn as of December 27, which is 8.7% behind the previous year's pace...
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