The Argentine government has confirmed that it will extend current wheat export licences for up to 360 days, taking them...
Officials at China's state planning agency have announced that it would start releasing the seventh batch of frozen pork from...
China sold 289,631 mt of soybeans out of the total 507,709 mt offered in the thirtieth imported soybean auction held by the...
Egypt’s Central Bank has changed its monetary policy on Thursday, switching to a “durably flexible exchange rate regime”...
The Russian government has updated the export duty for sunflower oil and sunflower meal for November, according to local
The Turkish government is to raise the import duty on sunflower seeds from 0% to 5%, according to an official document seen by Agricensus...
France has announced increased protective measures in two key poultry farming regions after a spike in cases of bird flu...
Indonesia has lowered its crude palm oil (CPO) reference price for the October 16-31 period to $713.89/mt from $792.19/mt...
China sold 310,337 mt of soybeans out of the total 504,442 mt offered in the...
Malaysia has kept its crude palm oil (CPO) export tax rate for October at the current maximum level of 8% while lowering its reference price...
India’s palm oil imports in the month of September rose 18% against a month earlier, on higher palm olein imports and soft...
Russian authorities are considering abolishing the grains export quota for the 2022/23 marketing year as the country’s wheat...
As of October 8, Russian farmers had harvested 28.7 million hectares (ha) of wheat, or 97.5% of the planned harvest area, according to official data...
China’s state planner has set its tariff rate quotas for 2023 wheat and corn imports at the same ...
Chinese authorities have said that the country would start releasing the fifth batch of frozen pork from central reserves in...
Germany has submitted a revised strategic plan under the European Union’s new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) due to...
The Argentine government has confirmed that it will end its ‘soy dollar’ scheme on September 30, as it was originally stated...
The Russian government, in a surprise move, has announced it will set export duties on sunflower oil and sunflower meal to...
China sold 120,197 mt of soybeans out of the total 497,374 mt offered in the twenty-seventh imported soybean auction held by...
China will sell 14,400 mt of frozen pork in its third batch of central reserve release on ...