Egypt's GASC issues rare corn tender for March-April shipment

12 Feb 2024 | Masha Belikova

Egypt’s state grain importer has announced a rare tender for optional origin yellow corn for March-April shipment, trade sources said over the weekend.

The General Authority Supply Commodities (GASC) is looking for at least 50,000 mt of yellow corn to be shipped within the March 15-25 shipment window and March 26- April 5 dates.

GASC has asked for offers to be placed on an FOB basis, with payment within 180 days or 270 days of the letter of credit opening, at the buyer’s option.

The tender is set to close on February 13.

Egypt is among the world’s biggest corn importers, yet it rarely buys the grain via state tenders.

Its last successful purchase was made a year ago on January 19, 2023, when it booked 50,000 mt of Romanian-origin feed corn from Ameropa at $339/mt CIF Egypt for February 10-25 shipment.

Data from the Agricensus Export Dashboard shows that up to 39% of the country's corn imports in 2023 were sourced from Ukraine, closely followed by Brazil (28%) and Argentina (22%). 

For more information on recent Egyptian buying, please see our Tender Dashboard.