
AgriCensus Price Markers (APM)

The APMs are daily spot price assessments, reflecting fair market value at the most liquid point of the nearby market.

Wheat Price MtD
Wheat FOB W AUS APW $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB W AUS ASW $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Ukraine FW $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Ukraine 11.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Russia 11.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Russia 12.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Baltic 12.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Baltic 12.5% Premium /mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB CVB FW $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB CVB FW Premium /mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB CVB 11.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB CVB 11.5% Premium /mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB CVB 12.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB CVB 12.5% Premium /mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Poland 12.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Poland 12.5% Premium /mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Germany 12.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Germany 11.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Germany 12.5% Premium /mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Germany 11.5% Premium /mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB France 11% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB France 11% Premium /mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat CFR North Africa $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat CIF Spain FW $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Argentina 11.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB US Gulf HRW 11% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB US Gulf HRW 11% Premium ¢/bu
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB US PNW SW 10% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB US PNW SW 10% Premium ¢/bu
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Canada CWRS 13.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Canada CWRS 13.5% Premium ¢/bu
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB St Lawrence 2CWAD 14.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Vancouver 2CWAD 14.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Azov 10.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Azov 11.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Azov 12.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Azov 13.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Azov 14.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat CIF Marmara 10.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat CIF Marmara 11.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat CIF Marmara 12.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat CIF Marmara 13.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat CIF Marmara 14.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Danube Ukraine 11.5% $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx
Wheat FOB Danube Ukraine FW $/mt
xx xx xx xx xx

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