Market News

8 hours ago | Agricensus staff
Fastmarkets’ weekly recap of the main movements in global cash markets.
9 hours ago | Agricensus staff
Fastmarkets commits to publishing on a daily basis the bids, offers, indicative levels or other cash trading indications on any basis and geography that relates to any of the vital markets that have strong ties with Ukraine.
9 hours ago | Sam Balf
South Africa’s Crop Estimates Committee (CEC) released its sixth production forecast for summer crops in 2024 on Friday July 26.
9 hours ago | Masha Belikova
The Russian government has significantly reduced its wheat export taxes, while the indicative price level has come closer to the levels seen in the physical market, according to an update from the agriculture ministry on Friday July 26.
10 hours ago | Leticia Pakulski
Brazil’s Paraná state raised its 2023/24 second corn crop production forecast to 12.96 million tonnes, up from the 12.95 million tonnes in the June, after increasing both its planted area and yield estimates, the state's agricultural agency Deral, said in its monthly report on Thursday July 25.
11 hours ago | Yana Sukharska
Russia’s wheat export volumes from Black Sea ports were stable in the week ended Friday July 26 compared with the previous week, at 574,653 tonnes, a Fastmarkets analysis of port line-up data showed.
11 hours ago | Marcela Caetano
The USDA attaché in Argentina has projected that the country´s corn output in 2024/25 will total 49 million tonnes, 2 million tonnes lower than USDA estimate, while wheat production was forecast at 18.6 million tonnes, 600,000 tons higher than USDA’s official estimate, according to a report published late on Thursday July 25.
14 hours ago | Yana Sukharska
Ukraine's grain exports rose by 2% week on week to 774,000 tonnes in the week to July 25, with the increase in corn and barley volumes offsetting the drop in wheat outflow, according to data from the country’s State Customs Service released on Friday July 26.

Corporate News

22 Jan 2024 | Eoin Hughes
The agricultural giant Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) has seen its share prices tumble after it said it had placed its Chief Financial...
5 Dec 2023 | Marcela Caetano
Brazil's grain and oilseeds producer SLC Agricola, one of the country´s largest agricultural companies, has cut its soybean...
2 Oct 2023 | Serina Gothard
Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC)'s net sales for the first half of the year fell by 14.8% to $25.8 billion from $30.3 billion during the same...
Germany-based ethanol producer CropEnergies reported a growth in revenues of almost 40% in...
11 May 2023 | Eoin Hughes
European seeds producer KWS reported upbeat results for the nine months of the fiscal year...
25 Apr 2023 | Eoin Hughes
Net earnings for global agricultural commodities producer and trader Archer-Daniels-Midland Co (ADM) jumped by...
5 Apr 2023 | Masha Belikova
German conglomerate Bayer will continue to invest in Ukraine's agriculture industry and will invest an additional €60 million ($65.7 million)...
3 Apr 2023 | Masha Belikova
A third multinational agriculture business, Louis Dreyfus Company, said Monday it would stop grain export operations from Russia at the start of the new...

Policy News

25 Jul 2024 | Tim Worledge
The European Commission has confirmed that it has referred Belgium to the European Union’s Court of Justice after “failing to take sufficient action on nitrate pollution in the Flemish region,” according to a statement released on Thursday July 25.
1 Jul 2024 | Masha Belikova
The Russian government has changed its tax calculation formula on wheat exports, bringing it down significantly for the July 3-9 period, the country's Ministry of Agriculture said on Friday June 28.
13 Jun 2024 | Masha Belikova
The Ukrainian government is preparing to implement a minimum export price mechanism as it takes another step toward re-exerting control over a non-official trade in exports of grains and oilseeds, according to an official note published on Ukraine's agriculture ministry website early on Thursday June 13.
7 Jun 2024 | Masha Belikova
The Russian government has increased the wheat export tax, leaving the corn and barley tariff at zero for June 12-18 period, the country's Ministry of Agriculture reported on its website on Friday June 7.
27 May 2024 | Masha Belikova
The Russian government has allocated another 262,000 tonnes of its grain export quota, along with a plan to revise up the basis price for the wheat export duty...
With the war in Ukraine ongoing, the government has started to implement measures to bring more people into the army, with a new law implemented from May 18 that all enlisted men are obligated to renew their data in the defense ministry system...
20 May 2024 | Tim Worledge
US biofuel groups have reacted to a petition that has been lodged with the US Supreme Court. The petition challenges a lower court’s decision that it was itself able to consider an appeal from conventional oil refiners over a long-running complaint focusing on small refinery exemptions (SREs).