Bringing focus to agricultural market news and price reporting
10 hours ago | Tim Worledge
The Taiwan Flour Mills Association (TFMA) has issued a buy tender looking to secure two cargoes of US wheat for shipment in October, trade sources told Fastmarkets on Friday July 26.
11 hours ago | Yana Sukharska
Russia’s wheat export volumes from Black Sea ports were stable in the week ended Friday July 26 compared with the previous week, at 574,653 tonnes, a Fastmarkets analysis of port line-up data showed.
11 hours ago | Marcela Caetano
The USDA attaché in Argentina has projected that the country´s corn output in 2024/25 will total 49 million tonnes, 2 million tonnes lower than USDA estimate, while wheat production was forecast at 18.6 million tonnes, 600,000 tons higher than USDA’s official estimate, according to a report published late on Thursday July 25.
12 hours ago | Jocelyn Garcia
The Wheat Quality Council’s 2024 Hard Red Spring and Durum Wheat Tour in the US concluded on Thursday July 25, revealing that North Dakota is on track to produce record-breaking yields.
Market Commentary
Wheat Commentary
7 hours ago
US wheat futures across all three classes continued lower, falling double digits on Friday July 26 due to the advancing US wheat harvest and overall good crop conditions reported by the US Wheat Associates.
Corn Commentary
7 hours ago
US corn futures trended lower on Friday July 26 on profit-taking, following four consecutive days of support amid dry US weather conditions.
Soybean Commentary
6 hours ago
Soybean futures posted two-digit losses on improved weather conditions forecasts for the US and a strong decline in soyoil futures on Friday July 26.
Vegoils Commentary
6 hours ago
Vegoils prices were mixed across regions on Friday July 26, with a stronger undertone across commodities in Asia and plummeting soyoil prices in the Americas, while futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange dropped steeply due to expectations of lower biofuel demand in the US.

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AgriCensus Price Assessments

AgriCensus Price Analyser

AgriCensus is an independent price reporting agency (PRA) that offers an impartial, robust price reporting service dedicated to providing pricing transparency in the global agriculture markets.

Our AgriCensus Price Markers (APM) are daily price assessments intended to be used as price references for negotiation, and in physical spot and term contracts, as well as the settlement price of financial derivatives.

They can also be used for the valuation of physical inventories, mark-to-market valuations of financial instruments, and the creation of associated derived data.

We also produce daily price assessments of the physical forward market, reflecting values for loading or delivery up to 9 months ahead.

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Full subscribers can download the data into Excel or choose to receive a daily API Data Feed, as well as annotate and download the graph as an image.

Assessments of spot and forward prices are available for wheat, corn, soybean, barley, sunoil, soyoil, rapeoil, sunmeal, soymeal, rapemeal, rapeseed, sunseed and freight.


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Editor's Pick
19 Jul 2024 | Jocelyn Garcia
The USDA’s cattle on feed report released on Friday July 19 estimated the number of cattle in the nation’s feedlots at 11.3 million head on July 1, in line with market estimates and 1% above last year’s 11.24 million head.
18 Jul 2024 | Tim Worledge
Stakeholders in India’s agriculture and food complex need to consider seriously the role of genetic modification (GM) in boosting the country’s production of oilseeds to meet mounting demand, delegates at the Vegoils Visions 2030 conference have been told.
17 Jul 2024 | Regina Koh
Taiwanese feed importer MFIG concluded its buy tender for optional-origin corn on Wednesday July 17, picking up around 65,000 tonnes of the grain, sources told Fastmarkets.
16 Jul 2024 | Mark Shenk
Egypt’s state-backed General Authority of Supply Commodities (GASC) successfully closed a tender on Tuesday July 16 and secured 770,000 tonnes of wheat from Russia and Bulgaria for September shipment.
Popular last 7 days
The Russian grain crop harvest progressed by another 10.5 percentage points through the week ended July 19, including a wheat harvest that is 37.8% completed, while yields again declined, according to data seen by Fastmarkets on Monday July 20.
22 Jul 2024 | Regina Koh
China’s soybean imports from Brazil in the first half of 2024 totaled 34.4 million tonnes, 16.1% higher than a year ago and a record high for the corresponding period, according to data from the country’s General Administration of Customs (GACC) released over the weekend.
23 Jul 2024 | Marcela Caetano
Argentina crushed 3.96 million tonnes of soybeans in June, up by 31.3% from the 3 million tonnes from a year earlier, data from Argentina’s Secretariat of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries (SAGyP) released late on Friday July 19.
22 Jul 2024 | Jocelyn Garcia
US corn crop conditions declined by 1 percentage point in the week to Sunday July 21, while soybeans, spring wheat and barley remained steady, the USDA’s weekly crop progress report showed on Monday July 22.
More News
5 hours ago | Masha Belikova
The Russian wheat harvest is nearly the halfway point, with 46.4% of the planned area completed, according to data available to Fastmarkets on Friday July 26.
6 hours ago | Jocelyn Garcia
The US wheat harvest is advancing rapidly under hot and dry weather conditions, with the soft red winter (SRW) harvest wrapping up this week, the latest harvest report from the US Wheat Associates (USWA) showed on Friday June 26.
8 hours ago | Agricensus staff
Fastmarkets’ weekly recap of the main movements in global cash markets.
8 hours ago | Tim Worledge
South Korean feedmaking association Major Feedmills Group (MFG) has tendered and bought a 60,000 tonne cargo of South American soymeal, sources have told Fastmarkets Friday, July 26.
9 hours ago | Agricensus staff
Fastmarkets commits to publishing on a daily basis the bids, offers, indicative levels or other cash trading indications on any basis and geography that relates to any of the vital markets that have strong ties with Ukraine.
9 hours ago | Sam Balf
South Africa’s Crop Estimates Committee (CEC) released its sixth production forecast for summer crops in 2024 on Friday July 26.
9 hours ago | Masha Belikova
The Russian government has significantly reduced its wheat export taxes, while the indicative price level has come closer to the levels seen in the physical market, according to an update from the agriculture ministry on Friday July 26.
9 hours ago | Leticia Pakulski
Brazil’s Paraná state raised its 2023/24 second corn crop production forecast to 12.96 million tonnes, up from the 12.95 million tonnes in the June, after increasing both its planted area and yield estimates, the state's agricultural agency Deral, said in its monthly report on Thursday July 25.
12 hours ago | Jane Li
Chinese authorities will offer around 980,000 million tonnes of imported soybeans for auction on Wednesday July 31, according to a notice issued by the country’s National Grain Trade Center (NGTC) on Friday July 26.