South Korea’s Kofmia tenders for 89k mt US milling wheat

20 May 2020 | Tim Worledge

South Korea’s flour milling association Kofmia has tendered to buy almost 90,000 mt of milling wheat for August and September arrivals, trade sources have told Agricensus Wednesday.

The tender is for two cargoes, one 35,000 mt and one 54,000 mt, and is expected to close on Thursday.

For the 54,000 mt parcel, the association is seeking 24,700 mt of US 10.5% soft white wheat, 2,500 mt of 8.5% SW, 9,500 mt of 11.5% hard red winter and 17,300 mt of 14% dark northern spring, with delivery expected between September 1-30.

For the second parcel, Kofmia seeks 10,700 mt of 10.5% SW, 1,300 mt of 8.5% SW, 11,200 mt of 11.5% HRW and 11,800 mt of 14% DNS.

That cargo is expected to ship on August 25-September 25, according to documents seen by Agricensus.

For more details on South Korea’s buying, please see our Tender Dashboard.