Strategie Grains revises EU rapeseed crop up but sunseed crop cut on yields

5 Sep 2022 | Liliana Minton

A leading European analytics agency has revised the rapeseed crop up 4% from earlier estimates made in June, while the sunflower seed crop has been slashed by 11% on lower yields.

The French agency Strategie Grains expects the EU’s 2022/23 rapeseed crop to come in at 19.15 million mt, up 4% from previous estimates, as an increase in yields leads to better-than-expected rapeseed output.

The area planted with rapeseed was estimated a 5.79 million hectares, a 10% increase from last season, while yields were pegged at 3.31 mt/ha, up 3% on the prior season.

But the largest changes were made to the forecast sunflowerseed crop, which is expected to come in at 9.17 million mt in 2022/23, down 11% from expectations made in June, as drought-impacted yields.

The sunseed crop yields were slashed by 12% from June’s estimates, coming in at 1.84 mt/ha, 22% lower than the yields obtained in the 2021/22 season.

Planted area with sunseed remained unchanged from June’s estimate at 4.99 million hectares, at a jump of 13% on the prior season.   

For soybeans, output is pegged a 2.49 million mt in 2022/23, down 10% from earlier estimates, while yields have been slashed by 11% to 2.35 mt/ha.

The area planted with soybeans is expected to be 11% up on the 2021/22 season.