Articles By Anna Platonova

22 Jul 2024 | Anna Platonova
Data released by EU vegetable oils and protein flour association Fediol on Monday July 22 showed oilseed processing volumes in the EU increased by just over 1% month on month in June.
19 Jul 2024 | Anna Platonova
Prices for old and new harvest sunflower oil in European and Black Sea ports are rising under the pressure of talks of a decrease in sunflower crop in the Black Sea region and the European Union in the 2024/25 season, while low sunflower stocks limit supply for July-August deliveries.
18 Jul 2024 | Anna Platonova
Egypt’s state buyer General Authority for Supply Commodities (GASC) purchased 20,000 tonnes of foreign sunflower oil and 28,000 tonnes of domestic soybean oil in a tender closed on Thursday July 18, sources told Fastmarkets.
18 Jul 2024 | Anna Platonova
The first volumes for the 2024/25 Ukrainian rapeseed harvest season were declared for export in the week leading up to July 17, official data published on Thursday July 18 showed, while exports of sunflower oil increased and sunflower meal and soybeans decreased.
17 Jul 2024 | Anna Platonova
The Black Sea sunflower harvest was estimated to have lost a little more than 2 million tonnes, an average of 6%, over the past three weeks with abnormally high temperatures putting pressure on the future crop, Fastmarkets heard on Wednesday July 17.
17 Jul 2024 | Anna Platonova
Egyptian state buyer General Authority of Supply Commodities (GASC) issued an international and local tender to buy vegetable oils for September delivery on Wednesday July 17, a market source told Fastmarkets.
11 Jul 2024 | Anna Platonova
The crush margin for processing Ukrainian rapeseed decreased by 65% compared with the previous season, according to market estimates, though the margin is still higher compared with the margin for sunflower processing despite rising prices for rapeseed and high competition, which has pushed crushers to revise downward their plans for rapeseed processing.
11 Jul 2024 | Anna Platonova
Ukrainian exports of sunflower oil, sunflower meal and soybeans fell in the week to Wednesday July 10, official data showed on Thursday July 11, with production volumes of processed products declining amid low sunflower stocks and the shutdown of a number of plants for preventive maintenance, in addition to seasonal factors.
5 Jul 2024 | Anna Platonova
The Ukrainian sunflower crush level in June fell by 36.36% at the midpoint from record crush volumes in May, and the July crush could fall to minimal levels leading to a shortage of sunflower oil offers, market sources told Fastmarkets.
4 Jul 2024 | Anna Platonova
Ukrainian exports of sunflower oil, sunflower meal and soybean meal increased in the week to July 3, official data from the Ministry of Agrarian Policy showed on Thursday July 4.
27 Jun 2024 | Anna Platonova
Black Sea sunflower oil prices have declined by 5% over the past 10 days after reaching season high levels, trade sources told Fastmarkets on Thursday June 27.
27 Jun 2024 | Anna Platonova
Ukrainian weekly sunflower oil exports continued to be sluggish in the week ended June 26 amid lower prices, while sunflower meal exports jumped, official data showed on Thursday June 27.
26 Jun 2024 | Anna Platonova
The completion of the sowing campaign across the Black Sea countries of Ukraine, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria and Russia means that expectations for the region’s total production can now be refined into more tangible forecasts against a backdrop of a year-on-year increase of 4% in planted area and an anticipated improvement in yields.
24 Jun 2024 | Anna Platonova
Egypt's state buyer GASC, launched an international tender for the purchase of vegetable oil on Saturday June 22, seeking cargoes to be delivered between August 10 and 25 and/or from August 26 to September 10, sources told Fastmarkets.
24 Jun 2024 | Anna Platonova
The Russian export duty for July is set to remain at zero, while that of sunflower meal will decrease by 42%, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture said in a statement published on its website on Friday, June 21.
21 Jun 2024 | Anna Platonova
Ukrainian farmers in the country’s southern regions have begun harvesting rapeseed for the first time this season, Fastmarkets heard on Friday June 21.
21 Jun 2024 | Anna Platonova
EU oilseed processing volumes continued to decline in May, falling by almost 2.5% month on month, according to data from EU vegetable oils and protein flour association Fediol dated Thursday 20 June.
21 Jun 2024 | Anna Platonova
Ukrainian farmers have begun harvesting early grain crops, according to a notice on the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine’s website dated Friday June 21.
20 Jun 2024 | Anna Platonova
Ukrainian weekly exports of sunflower oil, sunflower meal and soybeans fell in the week to Wednesday June 19, with stocks easing ahead of the end of the season, according to official data released on Thursday June 20.
13 Jun 2024 | Anna Platonova
Ukrainian exports of sunflower oil, sunflower meal and soybean meal in the week ended Wednesday June 12 increased compared with the previous week, according to official data published on Thursday June 13.
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